Model No.: 6.056.111-
Brand: Kinen
Kapabilitas Solusi Teknik: solusi total kanggo proyek
Cartridge: ceramic cartridge with a lifetime of durable performance
Handle: Single lever handle offer control of hot and cold water
Variant: Wide range of creative finishes offer personalize living space
Material: Brass construction for maximum durability
Produktivitas: 1500000/per month
Kemampuan Supply: 1500000/per month
Tipe Pembayaran: T/T
Incoterm: FOB
56 seri triumph
Gaya lan gaya sing ora apik
Wong-wong sing seneng ngrayakake upah saben dinane, kudu nganggo produk sing apik, unsur banyu kanthi koleksi sing elegan, lan minimalis.
Temokake tutul basis tunggal tunggal, seneng sampeyan jedhing wektu. Gabungke tunggal Lever Basis Tunggal ing 56 seri kanthi Aksesik Basin kayata Basin Mixer, mixer bath, mixer pancuran, dekorasi sing khas.